One thing there is no shortage of at Ledger are brilliant minds and unsurpassed talent.

From conceptualization, architecture, functionality, artistic emphasis, execution and beyond, our team of unique individuals have been a collaboration masterly woven together. Alongside our architect of record, Marlon Blackwell and New York based team Callaghan Horiuchi, Ledger sourced the admired Michel Rojkind to create a one of a kind structure and experience, not just regionally, but worldwide. 

To preface, Michel Rojkind is the founding partner of Rojkind Arquitectos and named a ‘representative of a Mexican generation of architects transforming the country’ by Forbes Life. His office was recognized by Architectural Record dating back to 2005 as one of the ‘best ten Design Vanguard firms’. One does not simply join the list of  ‘150 Movers, Shakers and Makers That Have Rocked the World in the Last 15 Years’ (Wallpaper Magazine) without significant merit. 

“We generate strategies that enhance the design’s final result. Nowadays a design proposal needs to find its full potential, it needs to have an added value, give something back to society…”  – Michel Rojkind

Rojkind’s primary contribution to Ledger was connecting the community and building through architecture and experience. He imagined the unprecedented: The World’s First Bikeable Building.  After countless revisions, back to the drawing board moments, and many many models later, Ledger’s iconic build was decided upon. A six story hub with soaring views of Downtown Bentonville and zig-zagging ramps scaling its side. 

It’s impossible not to think of a building like this one without feeling generosity about it, that it’s giving this space to the community and vis-versa. If we had more buildings thinking more about beauty and generosity, cities would be totally different than the ones we have now. 

To add greater value, it was decided Ledger would contribute to the community through not only public ramp access, but also by incorporating an art experience throughout. Rojkind loved the idea of blending digital tooling with local fabrication and in collaboration with famed designer Stefan Sagemeister, dreamt up a building where the building becomes the community through art and experience. Ledger’s largest art installation boasts 95 unique hand-crafted mosaics, strategically built into the ramps themselves as the piece de resistance.

Our interest is in reframing the question of beauty, because a lot of designers forget to talk about beauty as they are so focused on function and practicality. 

Though this project has been in the works many years, one would think it was designed post-pandemic because of the emphasis on connection and what Ledger calls ‘casual collisions’. Worldwide, there is an emphasis on connectivity and a general appreciation for human interaction. The outstretched arm of a building that crosses community with art, experience and workplace is sure to bring a sense of joy and renewed fulfillment to the Bentonville community.

One of my takeaways: Every client talks about building communities in the future, this is a community now by coming together and embracing a great project.