by Ledger | Mar 31, 2023 | Ledger Stories
LEDGER STORIES: ANNOUNCING SUMMER POP-UP Summer is just around the corner, and we’re excited to announce a new and exciting pop-up event that’s sure to make a splash! This summer we are transforming our six stories of bike ramps into… wait for it…. A WATER...
by Ledger | Dec 6, 2022 | Ledger Stories
After much anticipation, we have opened our doors (and ramps) to members! Ledger is a modern workplace with 230,000 sq ft of flexible offerings ranging from private offices, bookable and shared spaces to retail and art displays. The copper laden, glossy...
by Ledger | Nov 2, 2022 | Ledger Stories
One thing there is no shortage of at Ledger are brilliant minds and unsurpassed talent. From conceptualization, architecture, functionality, artistic emphasis, execution and beyond, our team of unique individuals have been a collaboration masterly woven together....
by Ledger | Sep 20, 2022 | Ledger Stories
3 Things to Expect at Ledger Ledger: a workspace in the heart of downtown Bentonville where 230,000 square feet of community and co-working collide. Ranging in offerings from private offices, bookable and shared spaces and retail, Ledger offers a work environment to...
by Ledger | Sep 7, 2022 | Ledger Stories
Announcing Coffee Shop and Grab and Go partner: welcoming the newest location of Airship Coffee! Airship is a Bentonville based coffee roaster and café experience offering innovative ways for their community to refuel. Strategically positioned, the new Airship cafe...
by Ledger | Jul 31, 2022 | Ledger Stories, Press
Announcing Ledger’s largest art installation in collaboration with OZ Art NWA. The ANT-icipiation has been building as we’ve alluded to these vibrantly colored critters and have yet to reveal their connection to Ledger. Enter Stefan Sagmeister. Stefan, a...