artists with a lot of heart
view the art at ledger
Artist Spotlight: Evan Lindquist
Evan Lindquist Man with a Burin, 2012 Martin Schongauer Engraves St. Anthony, 2010 William Blake Engraves the Inferno, 2010 Magdalena van de Passe Engraves a Portrait, 2019 Albrect Durer Engraves His Initials, 2008 Ledger Bentonville"The Lindquist"Meeting Room...
Artist Spotlight: Drew Evans
Drew EvansM74 & Observatory, 2022 Ledger Bentonville"The Evans A & B"Meeting Room 220 & 222 @chainbreakerweldingABOUT DREW EVANS Drew Evans of Marion, Iowa, uses arc welding to transform bicycle parts and scrap metal into...
Artist Spotlight: Kristin Musgnug
Kristin MusgnugHyperlocal, 2022 (Series) Ledger BentonvilleFirst FloorWest Hallway @kristinmusgnugABOUT KRISTINKristin Musgnug’s observational paintings navigate the tension between the idea of the natural and the actual landscape. Based in...
Artist Spotlight: City Girl Farms
The City Girl FarmsCarly Pumphrey & Sally LinvilleBridges & Little Oz, 2022 Ledger Bentonville "The Chicken Coop" Meeting Room 206 @thecitygirlfarmABOUT CITY GIRL FARMSThe City Girl Farm studio sculpts natural materials - fiber, wood and...
Artist Spotlight: Buddy Whitlock
Buddy WhitlockEnergy 1 & 2, 2022Zig Zag Triptych, 2021 Ledger Bentonville"6th Floor Event Space" @buddywhitlockFascinated by color, Buddy Whitlock uses the abstract to forge a bridge between his escapist past and artistic present. He cedes control...
Artist Spotlight: Junli Song
Junli SongUnder Many Moons2022 Ledger Bentonville"The Song"Meeting Room 297 @artofsongoABOUT JUNLIJunli Song grew up in Chicago, but lived abroad from 2012-2018 in South Korea, England, Italy, and South Africa. Her studies are similarly widespread: she...
Artist Spotlight: Aaron Tuner
Aaron TurnerThinking on Wrightsville (Study #2), 2020Untitled (1921 Tulsa Race Massacre), 2021 Ledger Bentonville"The A. Turner"Meeting Room 138 @aturn_arkdeltaABOUT AARONAaron Turner is a photographer and educator currently based in Arkansas. He...
Artist Spotlight: Meikel Church
Meikel ChurchThe Pajama King2022 Ledger Bentonville"The Church"South Side Printer Station @meikelchurchcollageABOUT MEIKELMeikel S. Church is a North Little Rock, Arkansas based collage/mixed- media artist who challenges concepts of...
Artist Spotlight: Molly Murphy Adams
Molly Murphy AdamsCaddo Legacy2022 Ledger Bentonville"The Adams"Meeting Room 237 @mollymurphyadamsABOUT MOLLYMolly Murphy Adams bases her work on concepts of hybridization, pairing the needlework techniques of beadwork and embroidery with...
Artist Spotlight – Emily Chase
Emily ChaseHand-Me-Down(Exuviae, 2016 | Tender, 2019 | Mend, 2016) Ledger Bentonville"The Chase"Meeting Room 219 @inkstandstudioABOUT EMILYOklahoma artist Emily Chase creates paper sculptures exploring memory, trauma, and the relationships between...
Artist Spotlight: Crystal C. Mercer
Crystal C. MercerLeo Rising2022 Ledger Bentonville"The Mercer"Meeting Room 271 @ccmercertooABOUT CRYSTALBlack, Queer, Create(her), businesswoman and conduit for culture and community, Crystal C. Mercer is a celebrated fiber artist, activist,...
Ledger Critters
Now is Better, Bentonville by Stefan Sagmeister
Announcing Ledger’s largest art installation
The ANT-icipiation has been building as we’ve alluded to these vibrantly colored critters and have yet to reveal their connection to Ledger.

Ledger Critters
Ledger Critters by Stefan Sagmiester
Announcing Ledger’s largest art installation
The ANT-icipiation has been building as we’ve alluded to these vibrantly colored critters and have yet to reveal their connection to Ledger.